Saturday, March 26, 2011

Best Trebuchet Simulator

Auyama style sponge cake

The Auyama is a versatile and delicious vegetables, combined in many dishes and for me Auyama occupies a very special place in my recipes.

style sponge cakes fascinated me and after much testing time as making a sponge Auyama the result was excellent and the recipe number one Auyama sponge.

I used a large square pan and the tips are round, is a very lightweight and practical for baking.

Its actual size covers almost the entire top of my kitchen.

can roll it up and make a jelly roll, in Venezuela call it this way and some English blog Brazo Gitano call.

cutting a piece

Its thickness is very thin


A large piece of pumpkin with the shell (the shell should be soft, not removal) or 2 eggs cooked

¾ cup white sugar 5 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons butter 5 tablespoons self-rising flour

How to Bring the pumpkin to a bowl and add all ingredients and beat to incorporate all ingredients and finally adding the mixture in a blender and blend. Butter and flour

square pan and bring to a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 35 minutes. Cool

an hour and not be removed before because it is very delicate part, but when it cools its texture is like a sponge.

should be kept in the fridge to be a pumpkin pie, unless it completely in one day enjoy the cake is at room temperature.


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