1) The computer profession suffers in silence the misfortune of being considered a group of physically stunted creatures, not masculine attributes in the case of men, favored the gifts of the mind to the detriment of those corporeal, as the body .
One of the direct consequences of this generalization, ironically, is not to be credible any physical ailment complaint by a productive member of this community.
a guess, is a NASA technician or Computational Computing 3 (Baron Maguá 1050) and holds the waist with both hands as he arches backwards and showing all teeth, exclaimed:
- Dad Ahhhh, ahhhh, uhhhhhhhh!
- What's wrong?
- I have made ball back!
- But what if you're sitting all day in front of a computer!? U
this one more dramatic example:
- Yesterday I had my first son!
- So did you receive?
- No, my first child!
- But how can you have a child you if you all day in front of a computer!? U
this one, if they fit more:
- I'm going to laburar, bye!
- Ja, that's what you tell laburar? If you all day without moving a finger in front of a computer!
And so on ad nauseam.
us agree that a computer or another computer expert incumbent performs the realm of physical prowess, for some strange reason, are considered intellectual activities even in females, namely: moving servers may contain portions of the internet, stooping to connect network cables you boot, clean the increasingly scarce mouse balls are composed of high-density steel iron, carries heavy books certifications a shelf to another, leads monitors (which is the heaviest hardware known to man), switch plates and video memory or disks heated at breakneck speed so that users do not suffer a temporary drop in services, cable blowing Lung and stripped to uncover and a long future of etc, etc.
that is why fed up of being considered just a big brain in a dismembered body I decided to deal cards in the matter and leave home each morning with a bag of cement on their shoulders and carry out all my usual tasks, mainly spend all day in front of a computer, with this qualifying handicap mason-port as an accessory pret-a-porter, pun intended.
I said, because I'm very bad for the flower auction.
2) Turning to the domestic sphere, my son yesterday threw a piece of the popularly called "MacGyver tape." Its high adaptability terraqueous allowed to survive this momentary harshness. On the other hand I am still looking for the makeshift contraption has undoubtedly built with this tape, a clip and a hanger, but I can not find him. No doubt his genius enabled him to anticipate my steps and his first creation was evil escuendido, somewhere I can not even imagine.
3) It seems to me that some 12 tonnes of gold which has together Kadafi us to pay the armament of the Falklands War.
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