Saturday, February 19, 2011

Medicaljournals Impact Factor

geopolitical analysis. Brief of Rosario

1) Yesterday I was watching a black ant trail following the straight line cord, most high, of the village and saw that had all too much grass. This land produces in excess up to the ants ass of Gran Rosario. Top thousands of swallows feeding on an insect biomass, invisible but huge to be moved, certainly, as a swirl driven by the gathering storm, the thermal column up and whatever they had on the river beyond. Down men bitched incessantly, touching one another speaker without using a seat belt, behind tinted windows. Giving an overview the ring closed, two trucks destroyed by an unexpected hug and useless disrupt normal traffic for the rest of the day.

2) Can not decide the future of a child based on the state of the sidewalks. In the long run which is the most fertile land? But the state of the sidewalks due, ultimately, to a chain of neglect that runs throughout the human pyramid. That's what pisses me off, the pyramid.

3) In Ireland people socialize in the pub rather than elsewhere. In Argentina you have to socialize a forum ample, since I go out to the sidewalk until I go to bed, everything is forum is all talk, all is to discuss and talk and swear and say things like "this country has no government," this is tight with bugs " , "this does not come" (with that craving disaster slug so characteristic of Mediterranean blood, eas waiting to be destroyed Pompeii) or "will be jets, but for the moment is better government", etc..

4) I will not be able to meet bloggers from Buenos Aires. I'll see if I can summon the Rosario. If someone reads from Rosario, please leave me a message.
A hug.

5) I have limited internet access, such as 15 minutes a day, I feel dizzy.


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