1) Why congratulate you for Christmas if you do not bore the Christ, nor had the patience to go looking for Jose hotel by the son of another?
way, I congratulate and one says "thank you, also, greetings to the family" and thus meets the legend of courtesy, which is actually false and hypocritical. Felicitenme for completing one year and have another hand to ruin.
2) Another thing is the subject of Santa Claus and children, an issue that, despite being discussed ad nauseam continues to talk about. I make you short, for my kids cheating is bad ride, but the kids will seek it, you believe anything, not just Santa Claus, which is like the big brother of Gandalf, a better father figure than fathers, a sort cholesteric Superman, if not the subject of the Kings.
like an idiot I admit that I dedicated myself to collect grass on and water for the agile such until one day I saw my poor father to go down quietly in crimson pants, a sort of ninja gringo, and without a lot of happy faces. I guess I was happy early lamplighters three Turks who came to me some toys that were more or less those who did not ask, but maybe it was because not yet mastered English and wrote "gualqui-tolquis" to talk with chanta my brother that I had all day to the next.
And one day I saw a camel and it was horrible, dangerous, smelly and I could not wish for that animal and fill me with spittle and mucus shoes.
Admittedly, when one is an idiot kid is average and adults have fun listening to our calculations about logistics. But put the silver, and continue to put them. Maybe because you grow and learn, but there is little hope seeing grandparents relapse.
3) In the middle range, I do not understand how Islam does not hit harder in the Western world, if the theme of Ramadan have to do diet for a month and if it is just before the summer is the perfect diet.
Christianity offers just the opposite and the highest representatives are a chubby baby and a big party animal. If it is to relate cultural supremacy with fasting, let dead.
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