Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Emt Online Colorado Accelerated
Spain, as a unit 'complex', has been shifting identities throughout history.
In prehistoric times, when the territory Peninsula was inhabited by a number of bands, tribes or peoples who interacted with each other more or less violently, had a certain identity from the outside, eg from the standpoint of the invaders Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans. But that identity was not political but at most geographical or anthropological.
Spain begins to make a political unity and identity from the moment it becomes a province of the Roman Empire, ie from its constitution as Roman Hispania.
With the barbarian invasions of Roman Hispania, Hispania now transformed into Visigoth or strengthens community to be clearly differentiated from other barbarian kingdoms arising from the fragmentation of the Roman Empire. And in addition to his new identity as the Visigoth kingdom acquires also be a part of Christianity.
The Muslim invasion occurs from breaks of 711 internal political unity LOGR ada by the Gothic monarchy and with it his identity. Then begins the work of rebuilding the lost unity (that of the Roman and Visigothic Hispania). Some fragments of this ancient form unit cells of resistance against the invader. Precisely Asturias created around Don Pelayo immediately develops a strategy consistent and sustained n 'cover' step by step and in the opposite direction the territories seized by Islam.
is in this coating process which arises when Gustavo Bueno called an "imperialist ortograma", ie, a strategy, plan or project goal (over the wills of the subjects carry it out) consisting of going more and more territories comprising the expense of the Ulman muscle invasive and go hierarchically organized. That is justified ideologically ortograma through the idea of \u200b\u200bReconquista and the assumption of the title of Emperor by the Asturian monarchs and then by the Leon and Castile.
During the Middle Ages the various kingdoms, counties or principalities peninsular Christians were forced to work together to defend the Muslim kingdoms. And though there were alliances, pacts and relationships of vassalage or friendship between Muslim and Christian kingdoms kingdoms were never matrimonial alliances between them. The Christian kingdoms of medieval Spaniards are not a mere conglomerate of kingdoms, but that between them a certain political unity (koinonia) marked by the "imperialist ortograma."
This imperialist impulse beginning 'regain' the lost unity Visigoth but recovered once the old unit, marked by the limits of the Iberian peninsula, the "imperialist ortograma" continues beyond which corresponds to original Hispanic identity. Must pass, then to Africa, where Islam is still living, but also advances to the west (toward the Atlantic Ocean), to circle the Earth (which by then was known to be spherical) and "catch the Turks in the back. "
And is that the "imperialist ortograma" can not stop after recovering the original unity Peninsula. It is not just a defensive strategy against invading Islam. Is an indefinite expansion project has not only to "recover" the lost territory but has to "cover" the entire Muslim invader. This attitude can only be understood from the view that between Christianity and Islam not be possible dialogue are incompatible.
The great importance that we have the identity that Spain then adopted as "imperialist entity" (in an attempt to detain, remove and then coated to Islam) lies that what we now call Spain, its current identity, derived directly from there. While the Roman or Visigothic Hispania and were Spain but only in a material sense is from when the first Asturian kings ortograma adopt imperialist when "Spain comes into existence as a political entity with full identity."
As Well Gustavo says "Spain is not a myth":
"The unit, comprised of Spain was, accordingly, from the beginning, a unit expansionist (imperialist) . (...) The kings of Oviedo were precisely those who formed this type of unit expansionist (imperialist) on which later would shape the unity and identity in Spain: when the kingdom of Alfonso I the Catholic, that of Alfonso II el Casto and Alfonso III the Great was growing and when it expanded by Alfonso VI and Alfonso VII the Emperor, to the point where he could begin to be perceived from the outside (etic), from Provence, a reality made up not of Hispania, but English.
But this unit made and shaped by the new facts, could only be completed because they stepped on a pre-made reality, namely, the unity achieved by the Visigoths, and even more, by the Romans. " (P. 70-71)
"The idea of \u200b\u200bRe-conquest precisely defines the process by which Spain begins to exist as a political entity with full identity, but with no fixed unit, but continuous and indefinite expansion, just under its Catholic identity, universal. This expansion should recover, primarily the Iberian basin, mostly occupied by the Saracens, but without stopping to reach its limits, because their identity will drive him to overflow, even when Islam, centuries later, there been thrown out of last stronghold of the "river", the Kingdom of Granada. " (P. 74)
The unexpected discovery of the Americas takes place as a result of development "ortograma imperialist" (on the strategy of moving towards the west, bypassing Earth and catch the Turks in the back). That is when Spain became an empire cash and identity acquires a new dimension that is to be the core of the Hispanic community extends to encircle the entire earth.
Philip II finally split with the Holy Roman Empire Germanicus who had inherited his father Charles I and which, centuries ago, and had flirted Alfonso X the Wise. Thus the English Catholic Empire becomes the "actually existing empire" and takes the name "English Monarchy" to avoid confusion with the coexisting Holy Roman Empire. Now is when Spain began to be "feared and hated," and when his enemies began to gestate the Black Legend.
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ARENA "the visitor"
Many consider this album as the best in the discography of Arena. There are elements that could confirm this assertion. For example, the fact that this work is the only one in which the singer participate together Paul Wrightson and guitarist John Mitchell (Kino, The Urban) and bassist John Jowitt (IQ), together with the founders miemgbros, Clive Nolan and Mick Pointer .
The concept of the album is difficult to define, but could be interpreted as the visions you have in your subconscious mind a person is threatened by death. Breaking the ice holding him, a man falls into the waters of a frozen lake. While struggling to stay afloat is to four characters: The pastor, the tramp, the vampire and clown. These could be roles that this person adopted in his life, each represent an emotional wound, a challenge or perhaps a pending matter.
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
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The usual strategy to defend Spain's La Leyenda Negra is to expose lies, exaggerations and historical misrepresentations on which is mounted Legend said. From a historiographical point of view this is an essential task.
However, as the Black Legend emerged in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to attack ideologically "English Catholic Empire", another way to defend Spain could be by reclaiming the idea of \u200b\u200b'Empire' as historical and philosophical elements crucial to understanding world history.
Here we encounter a major stumbling block, because nowadays the term 'empire' or 'imperialism' are so completely discredited (and especially among those say the "left" and / or "progressive") can hardly extol the idea of \u200b\u200b'Empire' and the role of Spain as "Universal Empire" without automatically being labeled fascists or the like.
However, from a materialistic point of view, and no matter who despite the importance of the idea of \u200b\u200b'Empire' is such that the only meaning to be given to the 'Universal History' is' History Universal Empires. " Stay
this firmly ingrained in our heads:
Universal History = History of Empires Universal
Hence the importance that Spain may have had in the so called "Universal History" is derived, more or less, the condition may have had of "Universal Empire."
This view, held by Gustavo Bueno in "Spain against Europe" (Chapter III, "The Idea of \u200b\u200bEmpire as a philosophical category and as Idea"), is the attempt to present a simplified below.
The concept of "Universal History" and "History of Humanity" in which a "Human Race" since the beginning of history, unfolds (or evolved) until the present, is a purely metaphysical. And just as metaphysics is whether mankind is considered from a theological point of view as if it is seen from a zoological point of view.
From a theological point of view of Universal History is presented as being referred to us by God. The deployment of Man (created by God) begin with the sin of Adam, Jesus Christ and continue to end with the Last Judgement. It is evident that the materialist and atheist who maintain this is unacceptable here.
From the zoological point of view Universal History would simply "evolution of the human species." The deployment would leave about prehistoric primates along an evolutionary process would have resulted in the "historical man." However, this reduction zoo is also unacceptable because it is impossible to deduce the "historic man" from those prehistoric primates. If this deduction is done now so easily is just because the zoo so falls into a sort of "vicious circle" in which he is assuming the "historical man" (you know that has taken place from such primates) . This request principle of the "historical man" in order to get there is what the philosophical materialism calls "anthropological diallel."
Therefore, world history is not the metaphysical deployment of Mankind from its origins to the present:
≠ Universal History History of Mankind
And is that the Human Race is given from the outset as a homogenous block that is progressing globally throughout world history. What do exist are scattered human groups and faced each other in their attempt to project plans and programs (ortogramas) to everyone else. Is what is called philosophical materialism deployment of "ortogramas imperialists."
Universal History is that certain human societies to display their "ortogramas imperialists" to spread among the other groups of people their way of life (customs, language, religion, institutions, etc.).. It is in this imperialist attempt to encompass the rest of the humans in the same ortograma when is the "Human Race", the "humanity."
The human race is built along the historical process in which societies and cultures constantly fighting each other to get to become "universal empires" and well controlled (and build) the human race.
The human race is not a given reality from the beginning of history. Mankind (humanity) is an idea resulting from the confrontation of diverse societies and cultures over a historical process. The "Universal History", from coordinates materialistic and not metaphysical, is the "Universal History of Empires", defined in terms of a 'Human Race' is not given in advance but it is what it is built. The
Mankind is not because the principle of universal history but at the end of the Universal History of Empires:
Universal History of Empires Mankind →
In words of Gustavo Bueno:
"No one can speak of a" Universal History "and" History of Mankind "which is given as a premise from the beginning. Does it follow from this that the world history can only be understood as a metaphysical project meaningless? No, because the project of a Universal History as a philosophical project can be recovered History of a universal empire, if these empires were defined according to the Human Race can not be given prior to its constitution. Put another way, the Universal History can not be conceived, without more, as the history of mankind, even as the history of human societies or polities (states), because these "stories" would remain in fact, Anthropology and Ethnology. Universal history is the history of universal empire and all that is not history of empires is nothing particular history, ie, Anthropology and Ethnology. From this perspective, world history could stop being perhaps a metaphysical project to become a practical project-positive. Because world history will be the "exposure of the deployment of Mankind from its origin to the present" ("History of Humanity"), to become the "exhibition of projects by some companies, positive (political, religious ) to form the Human Race ", that is, to begin to be Universal History of Empires."
"(...) The Universal History necessarily take the form of exposure of the incessant conflict between the various empires that Universal dispute the actual definition, real (control, therefore) of Mankind. " (Spain compared to Europe, pg. 209-210).
Therefore, we see that far from being a contemptible idea, as commonly thought, the idea of \u200b\u200bEmpire is essential for someone with a minimum of seriousness, wish to consider the idea of \u200b\u200bMankind or Humanity.
And, from a materialistic point of view, the importance it can have the Idea of \u200b\u200bMankind (for Humanity) lies in its relationship with the Idea of \u200b\u200bEmpire, as is over deployment of the Idea of \u200b\u200bEmpire when it appears, to In turn, the Idea of \u200b\u200bMankind. And here lies our claim to the Idea of \u200b\u200bEmpire, far from those idealistic conceptions in which many, while they pay lip service to the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanity, abhor the idea of \u200b\u200bempire.
In "Spain against Europe Gustavo Bueno identifies five political meanings of the term" empire. " Specifically, the third meaning, the so-called diapolÃtico Empire "is what corresponds to what historians (and the general opinion) commonly understood by Empire in its political sense. That is, an organized state system so that one of them is in hegemonic politically above all others, who serve as vassals, tax or subordinates of the "imperial state."
One of the limiting situations diapolÃtico Empire (lower limit) is the so-called "predator or colonial empire." The case of 'empires capitalists "of the late nineteenth century referred to Lenin in" Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism. " And this is the concept of empire has in mind, we assume that, from the left, demonstrating against the Empire and imperialism. However, it must be said (in our defense of the Idea of \u200b\u200bEmpire) that "predatory empires" Empires are not strictly political sense because in them the hegemonic state is limited to exploit and plunder the resources of the States without a search under the retention of these States and the generation of new ones. There is no political relationship at the same level among the states that make up the Empire. Predatory Empires, in any case, would Empires in degree zero.
The English Empire, like the Roman Empire, Empire was not a predator but a "Empire Generator '
" An empire is generated when, for structure, and without prejudice to the inescapable operations colonial exploitation, determines the social development, economic, cultural and political colonized societies, making possible its transformation into a full policy. "
"(...) The Roman Empire or the English Empire would be the main examples of empires emerged: through their individual acts of violence, extortion and even slavery, through which these universal empires developed, it is true that the Roman Empire ended up granting citizenship to almost all towns of his dominions, and the English Empire, which always considered his subjects as free men, caused the precise conditions for the transformation of their Viceroyalties constitutional republics or provinces' (Spain compared to Europe, pg. 465-466).
Throughout world history would have been happening empires from east to west (following the course of the Sun): Assyrians, Medes, Greeks and Romans, so that in this sequence, the English Empire would have been Universal Empire last possible because he would have come to the west end and would have bypassed the entire Earth.
"What must be to Spain? For two, four, ten centuries, what has it done for Europe? "asked insidiously Frenchman Nicolas Masson Morvilliers in the eighteenth century to respond in entirely negative terms for Spain. Well, we can proudly say that Spain, as a promoter of a Universal Empire (the largest of all really possible until then) has contributed greatly to the formation of humanity and therefore must appear in uppercase words in History Universal. Other European nations like France, have tried but have been unable to develop a viable imperial ortograma. While English and Dutch as much as they got were harmful predatory empires. Interestingly, French, English and Dutch were the great propagators of our Black Legend.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
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In 1913 Loyot Jewish and Julian, an official from the State Department, won a literary competition organized by " The English and American Illustration " work entitled " The Black Legend and Historical Truth " . JuderÃas coined the phrase "Black Legend " to refer to the negative view that was abroad in Spain, the English, its history and its work in the world:
"For black legend Endemic ent environment created by you l fantastic stories about our country have come to light in almost all countries, with grotesque descriptions have been or whenever the English character as individuals or as a collectivity, denial, or at least the systematic ignorance of what we are fa vourable and honorable in various manifestations of culture and art, the charges at all times have been launched against Spain on the ground for it in fact exaggerated, misinterpreted or false in its entirety, and finally the assertion in apparently respectable books and true (...) that our country is, from the point of view of tolerance, culture and political progress, an unfortunate exception in the group of European nations. In short, we understand black legend, the legend of the inquisitorial Spain, ignorant, bigoted, unable to be among civilized peoples the same now as before, always ready to violent repression, the enemy of progress and innovation, or, in other words, the legend, having begun to spread in the sixteenth century, following the Reformation, has continued to be used against our since then and especially at critical moments in our national life. "(Jewish Quarter, 23-24).
It is from the book of Jewish when the term "Black Legend" serves to describe all that series of unfair accusations about the history of Spain had been pouring the rest of European nations.
If now, from a minimally objective historiography, we can talk precisely of 'Black Legend' is because it has been shown that such accusations are basically exaggerate, distort, falsify decontextualizing and political work in Spain and rulers, and particularly that relating to the time when most international power was deployed "English Monarchy" (under the reigns of Charles V and Philip II). That is why JuderÃas characterize the anti-English Black Legend of two main elements: the omission and exaggeration. Omission all that may favor Spain and exaggeration of what can harm it. Nevertheless, a characteristic that distinguishes the Black Legend of similar is their enormous influence and persistence over time. If we establish its origin in the sixteenth century, even today, four centuries later, its effects are felt.
A consideration of the Black Legend, highly significant, is that only Spain has a black legend and it does not, however, no nation in the Protestant area and not even the Catholic Portugal, despite having given rise to a considerable colonial empire. Why should this?
Spain and territorial policy was forged in struggle against Islam. And in their efforts to cover the territories occupied by it adopts plans and programs (ortograma) imperialists who aligned themselves with the defense of the values \u200b\u200bof the Catholic faith while they rely on politically and ideologically. Spain is becoming a "Catholic Universal Empire," an empire that would extend their language, customs, morals, religion and its institutions to the rest of the people and, especially, the newly discovered American territories. In this process Spain is forced to confront the Protestant Reformation, which is used politically and ideologically by the emerging European powers to weaken the English Monarchy in an inevitable dialectic struggle between States.
It is in this context of confrontation between Catholic Spain and Protestant powers emerging when the Protestant side generates the anti-English Black Legend, especially in England, France and the Netherlands. The great power of the Catholic English Empire in the sixteenth century generates hatred and envy and in this sense, the Black Legend is, as Alvaro de Maor, 'to both anti-Catholic and anti-English ".
The Black Legend is developed mainly on the following charges:
- The unjust expulsion of Jews and Muslims the Hispanic kingdoms.
- The fanatical persecution of heretics and dissidents by the English Inquisition.
- The companies imperial warmongers English Catholic monarchy in Europe over of the XVI and XVII (and especially under the reign of Philip II) in order to eradicate Protestantism in their territories.
- The systematic work of plunder of cultural annihilation, massacre and enslavement of indigenous peoples during the conquest of America.
All these complaints may be divided between a "black legend" European, oriented to attack the English Inquisition and Philip II (in his personal behavior and his imperial policy) and ' American black legend " intended to disparage and defame the English conquest of the New World.
While these allegations are borne, in principle, on the political aspects of Spain, that is, on its action in the world, simultaneously extending also to the social aspect: the reference to the character and customs of the English.
Moreover, the fact that between the first and most active propagandists are English national character helps give credence to such offenses.
Indeed, the pamphlets that sparked the Black Legend were prepared, curiously, by two English. The "Very Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies" (1542) written by the Dominican missionary Fray Bartolome de las Casas was instrumental in the development of the "American Black Legend ', the English on the work of extermination and plunder the New World . Moreover, "Relations" (1594) written by Antonio Pérez (former secretary of Felipe II fled to England), which accuses the King of adultery and the murder of his son, Prince Don Carlos, gave rise to the legend Philip Black II, a key element of the 'European Black Legend. "
Although the origin of the black legend must be placed in the sixteenth century, when the English Empire deployed its full potential, it will be in later centuries, in parallel with the decline and fall of the same, when it becomes widespread and more elaborate development. In this sense, the critical determinants in Spain of the eighteenth century French Enlightenment (Montesquieu, Voltaire), the exotic vision of Spain and the English have the romantic travelers of the nineteenth century (especially after the War of Independence), the employment of Black Legend makes the nascent American power in order to hide their own faults and to deprive Spain of her last overseas territories and, therefore, the assumption of the Black Legend by the English themselves from the disaster of 98.
JuderÃas Julian in the early twentieth century, he realizes that "fault principalis ima the formation of the Black Legend have it ourselves. The reason we have two or n is: first, because we have not studied it with interest, attention and the that foreigners love thing, (...) we had to learn in books written by extra dren and inspired, as a rule, the disdain for Spain, and, second, because we have always been lavish in unfavorable information in bitter criticism. We can not complain because of the anti-English legend . This will not disappear until we correct ourselves of these defects . " (JuderÃas, 27).
A century later we see with bitterness as such defects are not corrected but have further aggravated. The ideological claim of "Catholic and Imperial Spain" during the Franco period has made, with the advent of democracy, the Black Legend has returned to get in full swing. The association, almost reflex, including "Franco" and "English Empire" makes are recognized for all the old accusations against Spain. To anyone who is considered "progressive" the mere mention of the word Spain cause a mixture of disgust and shame so that their use will be practically restricted to times when the English sports teams participating in international competitions. In most cases, particularly those with a political connotation, is preferred to use the term "English State".
In such nonsense have managed to make good use separatist nationalism Catalan, Basque and Galician, with the great alliance of the political left, threatening to seriously threaten the unity of Spain. And is that "fault paramount" of this situation are those left (PSOE and IU) that, after the fall of the Soviet Union, have been drifting toward positions "ethical" in which intermingle viscously Ideas so dark, confused and metaphysical as 'humanity', 'Culture', 'tolerance', 'democracy' and 'Peace', suitably dressed with a good dose of "false consciousness" and "bad faith."
The great ally of the Black Legend, throughout our history, is the traditional inferiority complex of the English "which leads us to reject our own things as the vilest and Revelation of the universe and to prefer the foreign by the mere fact of being ". As stated JuderÃas, "recognize our faults is a virtue, but admit and not substitute the atrocities that we attribute and we believe that everything is bad, is foolish in brains that can only be disturbed by a sterile and self-defeating pessimism and a science that have failed to properly digest. " (JuderÃas, 19-20).
JuderÃas Julian is not the first to claim the work of Spain in the world against unfair criticism from abroad. He himself cites as a pioneer in the defense of Hispanic values \u200b\u200bagainst attacks from other nations, Francisco de Quevedo, who in the sixteenth century leaves unfinished a work similar to that of Jewish entitled "Spain times defended and now the novelero slander and seditious. " Others who worked in that regard, to cite only the most popular authors were Saavedra Fajardo, in the late seventeenth century, and Father José Forner Gallows in the eighteenth, Marcelino Menendez Pelayo, Juan Valera and Gumersindo Laverde century nineteenth and twentieth century and continuing the work of Jewish, Rafael Altamira, Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, Antonio DomÃnguez Ortiz, Vicens Vives, etc.
This blog but as a basic historiographical data can be found in different books and websites devoted to the Black Legend aims to provide an interpretation of the same from the point of view of the Philosophy of History "philosophical materialism" espoused by Gustavo Bueno, especially in his book "Spain compared to Europe."
The most common defense of Spain against the ravages of the Black Legend is given from Catholic religious positions, although we seem very honorable, are insufficient because of its idealistic argument based (spiritual) easily derived in "rosy legend." We opted for a defense to "heavy artillery" based mainly on the claim by the philosophical materialism of Ideas 'Empire' versus 'Humanity', 'Civilization' vs. 'cultural relativism' and 'Hispanic' vs. 'Europe'.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
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I have almost all DVDs in vivo is encouraging to see that their dedication is not the irritating music and sale of a picture ... because they are the most sober on stage, and synchronous incredibly neat, true to his work and concepts. .. no more no less.
This is his first album under the name IQ over there at the beginning of the 80s, when the big blackout and it looked great to come abruptly. And it is an album really impressive, at the height of the first work (and contemporary) of Marillion, The Fool.
I strongly recommend you ... then I leave here with ... "TALES ..."
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Light Period For 2 Weeks Before Period

Here an excerpt of Asgard (Italy) and her album Arkan, extracted from the web MANTICORNIO :
"The first issue 'A Gathering of Fairies' , exhibits a well afiatada alternating electric and acoustic sections, with a fairly similar background to Celtic. He who comes after, 'Wulfstan ' sounds more aggressive and pompous . The same applies to the 13-minute suite entitled 'Olaf Stonehand ', although it is enriched with strong Gothic elements, particularly salient in his introductory theme (repeated as a reprise at its conclusion). The other two suites disc deserve to be mentioned specifically here: 'The Mirror of the King 'unfathomably introspective character displays through his nearly 17-minute special reference to recurrent acoustic guitar duets from MICHIELETTO and BIANCHI, reminiscent enough to of GENESIS " Trespass ", for its part, 'The Lords of the Mountain' is one of the metal pieces and sophisticated Asgard has ever written and performed-a truly spectacular closing.
Other themes are: 'The Queen of Ice ', a theme well marillionesco, flashy but not as special as the others "Arkana" 'The Squirrel ', a picturesque duet of acoustic guitars with an ethereal backdrop of keyboards and subtle percussion, and finally, 'The Breath of a Veiled Goddess ', a beautiful display of piano, choral harmonies interspersed in a climax Romance intermediate as expressive as majestic.
In short, an album that has not lost, and in my opinion should remain as one of the greatest treasures of European progressive revival of the 90's. "DOWNLOAD
Saturday, June 2, 2007
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If you already have the original cd, then you can download this album to your PC in MP3 format from the following link: http
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Invitation Letter For Inviting Brother
This is a Swedish band quite old in its origins (the late 80's) with and seven albums to his credit. For many, myself included, the remarkable thing is its magnificent keyboardist who along with the rest of the band merges a very nice style that could be between Rush, Flower Kings and some of Eloy. I remember that I discovered quite by chance, as I was Googling the phrase "Mind over matter", which is the name of the album of a Frenchman who makes such great music of new world ... when I found this group which I was pleasantly hooked. The first issue is really very good, maybe a little slow, but the final development is truly beautiful ... To listen!
(Well, after listening again no doubt ... the keyboard is great!)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
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for me is full of good memories: The days when translated lyrics in the courtyard of the high school and was amazed with the preciousness of poetic images of Derek William Dick (Fish), weeks in bed with mumps with my faithful radio Goldstar round and round giving the tapes of each album that even had entoces of the band, I and my staff Aiwa with "super bass" in the midst of the people of my city, anyway. He was one of the first progressive rock albums I bought and to this day maintain that it is one of great creativity and energy. The fact that this work is conceptual is doubly remarkable when we remember that this album saw the light in the middle of a decade as modest as it is the decade of the eighties. Recommend again set the FISH ideas in his lyrics. That is why I have this album here, complete ...
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